Nov 15, 2022 | Uber/Lyft Accident

Steps to Take After an Uber or Lyft Crash

The harsh reality is that rideshare accidents happen all the time across the U.S. These accidents can cause severe injuries and even deaths. Given the common occurrence of Uber and Lyft crashes, it’s important to know what you should do immediately following a collision.

Get Medical Care

If you believe you were injured in a rideshare accident, seek emergency medical care as soon as you can.  This includes care from:

  • An emergency department,
  • A primary care physician, or
  • An urgent care center.

Note that you should seek medical assistance even if you believe you weren’t harmed in an accident. Serious medical conditions can often arise even with no early signs or symptoms of a medical issue.

Report the Accident to the Police

Contact the police immediately following your rideshare accident. You can call or text 911 in cases of an emergency. Or you can call or text 311 in non-emergency accidents.

A police officer will begin an investigation into your accident once arriving at the accident scene. The officer will collect evidence about the crash and will eventually draft an accident report. Make sure to obtain a copy of this report for your records.

Collect Evidence

Try to collect as much evidence as possible before you leave the scene of the accident. If you had to leave the scene to secure medical attention, return to the scene as soon as your health permits. You can also have a friend or family member visit the scene if your health prevents you from doing so.

If you have a smart phone, make sure you use it to take pictures of the following:

  • Any damage to your car,
  • Any damage to an Uber or Lyft vehicle,
  • Your injuries,
  • Weather conditions,
  • Road conditions, and
  • The location of any traffic signs or traffic lights that may have helped contribute to the accident.

Further, try to obtain the names and contact information of any people that witnessed the accident.

Find out the Rideshare Driver’s status on His/Her App

If at all possible, try to find out the driver’s status on the app at the time of the accident. For example:

  • Did the rideshare driver have the app on or off?
  • Was the driver waiting for a ride request or actively picking up or carrying riders at the time of the accident?

Note that Uber and Lyft’s insurance coverage kicks in when drivers are active on their apps. Coverage limits vary during different phases of rides.

Inform the Rideshare Company About Your Accident

If you were involved in an accident with an Uber car, you can report the accident on Uber’s Safety page. If you were involved in an accident with a Lyft driver, you can report the accident on Lyft’s Report page. Don’t always assume that a rideshare driver will report an accident to his/her respective rideshare company. Take a few minutes and report it yourself to make sure the report is complete.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Almost every insurance policy has a “Notice of Occurrence and Cooperation” clause. The clause means you agree to tell your insurance company when you are in an accident, and you agree to cooperate with your insurance company’s accident investigation. Make sure to contact your insurer to comply with this clause.

Contact an Experienced Rideshare Attorney for Help

An auto accident attorney plays a critical role in rideshare accident cases. A skilled lawyer can step in and:

  • Manage your case from its early inception,
  • Gather evidence on your behalf,
  • File a personal injury claim with the at-fault party’s insurer,
  • Negotiate this claim with the insurance adjuster, and
  • File a personal injury lawsuit to help you receive fair compensation for your injuries.

Contact Justice Through Compensation for Help

If you or a loved one was injured in a rideshare accident, please know that the Premier Injury Law Firm is here to help. Our legal team is skilled, experienced, and passionate in their representation. Let us shoulder the burden of an injury claim or lawsuit while you focus on healing from your injuries. Contact us today for the quality legal help you deserve.