Feb 08, 2023 | Uber/Lyft Accident

How Can an Uber/Lyft Accident Attorney Help?

Rideshare accidents are an unfortunate reality in today’s fact paced world. Uber and Lyft drivers are responsible for auto collisions every day, and accident victims face the difficult task of healing from their injuries. Please know that if you’ve been injured in a rideshare accident, an attorney plays an integral role in you recovering from the event and receiving compensation for your pain and suffering.

Filing an Accident Claim and Lawsuit

You have two main legal options following a rideshare accident. The first is to file an injury claim with the insurance company of the Uber or Lyft driver who caused your accident. A rideshare attorney can file a claim on your behalf. Your lawyer can also negotiate your claim for you. Please keep in mind that insurance adjusters often employ many tactics to devalue your insurance settlement. A rideshare attorney is familiar with these tricks and knows how to bypass them.

If you fail to successfully settle your insurance claim, your Uber or Lyft accident lawyer can file a lawsuit on your behalf. Your attorney can manage the case while you focus on healing and recovering from your injuries. Please know that a lawsuit involves several deadlines that have to be met in order to successfully advance your case. Your lawyer is familiar with these timing requirements and can meet them. An attorney can also work with the opposing lawyer to try and settle your case before it goes to trial.

Maximizing Your Payout

A rideshare accident lawyer knows what an auto accident case is worth. An attorney, therefore, knows what a case should settle for. A lawyer also knows how to find hidden value in a case. For example, your Uber or Lyft attorney can try to find another insurance policy that might apply to your case. An extra insurer can possibly lead to a larger payout.

Your attorney also knows where to find evidence to help support your insurance claim or lawsuit. Common evidence in rideshare accident cases includes:

  • Pictures of the accident scene,
  • Pictures of your injuries,
  • Medical records,
  • Witness statements,
  • Police reports, and
  • The driving history of the rideshare driver.

Your lawyer can help gather this evidence and present it to an insurance adjuster and/or judge or jury.

Hiring Experts

Sometimes injury cases involve complex facts. For example, the cause of an accident might be due to a technical issue with a rideshare vehicle. Further, some cases involve extensive injuries where complicated medical issues will determine whether or not an accident victim truly recovers from the incident. In these types of cases, your rideshare attorney can hire or appoint an expert to assist in analyzing and interpreting your case. Your lawyer can also have the expert testify in court if necessary. The use of expert testimony can be the tool that truly makes or breaks your case.

Contact Justice Through Compensation for Help

If you or a loved one was injured in a rideshare accident, please know that the Premier Injury Law Firm is here to help. Our legal team is skilled, experienced, and passionate in their representation. Let us shoulder the burden of an injury claim or lawsuit while you focus on healing from your injuries. Contact us today for the quality legal help you deserve.